Category: Employee Engagement: Connecting in a Mobile World

Working Virtually, Free Bonuses, Remote Leadership, Virtual Teams, Digital Nomad

It’s Time to Read Working Virtually if You Haven’t Already

It’s official – Working Virtually: Transforming the Mobile Workplace is a Best-Of Book! One of Technical Communication‘s Best Books reviewed. If you’ve already read Working Virtually, I’d sure love it if you’d post a review on Amazon! Thank you!!! Book Review: Working Virtually: Transforming the Mobile Workforce. Volume 65, Number 2, May 2018 l Technical …

Want Better Results When Working Remotely, Remote Work, Virtual Work, Remote Leadership

Want Higher Results When Working Remotely?

Wanting to know about the impact of remote work and the strategic role of HR in expanding virtual work into the operation and culture of organizations? Click through to hear my tip-filled interview as a guest on i2i Workforce‘s podcast blog, Higher Results. Hoefling speaks to Remote Work & HR on Higher Results podcast May …

Who Are the Top Mobile Workplace Thought Leaders and Influencers?

Do you know what today’s dream job is? One that is set up for flexible and mobile work. I’m proud to be a virtual company expert who contributed to this article. It launches a new program on called @Work. Trina Hoefling is #7 in the current list of top remote work influencers. I have …

Are You a Bad Manager?

A much belated Happy 2018 to everyone! I’ve been on an unplanned and unintentional hiatus from blogging. Unexpected client work, scheduled vacations, holidays, and life has distracted me. I’ll be back soon, though! In the meantime, I run across excellent blog posts and short articles every day. Here’s a repost that has 12 excellent and …

2nd Lesson Learned by Early Adopters of Virtual Teams – People Bring Their Habits With Them

Click here to read how simple it is to work WITH habits when so often we fight against them.

Want Pragmatic Tips on Engaging Distributed Employees?

Instead of reading a blog post this week, watch an interview with Kathy and Trina. We were glad to talk with WorldAtWork.TV about how to keep virtual distance from creating interpersonal distance on your virtual team. Virtual employee engagement doesn’t have to be hard, but it does have to be intentional! WorldatWork TV Video Interview …

Working Virtually: Transforming the Mobile Workplace, 2nd Ed. Is On Bookstore Shelves Today – Digital and Print! 

Working Virtually is a permanent part of the workplace today. Transactional work – provided by freelancers, contract employees or consultants – has increased exponentially. It is forecast that as much as half the labor force will be working independently and virtually by 2020. Trina first sees her book in print. Most organizations and leaders are …

IBM is Seeking the X-Factor. Does Team Synergy Have to Be F2F? 

Recently IBM pulled the plug on telecommuting. R.I.P., early adopter. In the 1990’s, IBM led the charge into telecommuting for financial reasons – they needed to shed jobs and real estate – fast. The command to the workforce? Go home to work or else! And it worked. I find it ironic that today in the …

Pragmatic Wisdom from a Seasoned Virtual Leader

Guest Contributor and long-time colleague, Amy Connell, has worked in a highly visible marketing capacity for three Fortune 500 companies. Read her story and suggestions here. Also, my first on-demand course is available through this blog post. The Powerful Role of the Virtual Leader is an introductory course to the virtual management model I teach …

Employee Engagement Part 2 – What Kind of Manager Are You? 6 Practices

As we promised in our last blog, in Part 2 we will discuss 6 tools to increase manager engagement with their teams. Source: relational